The Guardians lista på 20 “Internet freedom fighters”

Bra lista:

  • Rickard Falkvinge
    Founder, the Pirate party
  • Birgitta Jonsdottir
    MP, The Movement, Iceland
  • John Perry Barlow
    Co-founder, Electronic Frontier Foundation
  • Jacob Appelbaum
    Advocate, Researcher and Developer, Tor project
  • Julian Assange
    Editor-in-chief, WikiLeaks
  • Ada Lovelace
    Computer programmer
  • Richard Stallman
    Founder, Free Software Foundation
  • Sir Tim Berners-Lee
    Inventor of the world wide web
  • Professor Sebastian Thrun
    Founder, Udacity
  • Anons
    Legion, everywhere
  • Bram Cohen
    Chief Scientist, BitTorrent
  • Linus Torvalds
    Chief architect, Linux
  • Lawrence Lessig
    Founder, Creative Commons
  • Alex MacGillivray
    General counsel, Twitter
  • Dr Susan Landau
    Cybersecurity researcher, Guggenheim Fellow
  • Jimmy Wales
    Chairman, Wikimedia foundation
  • Peter Sunde
    Co-founder, Pirate Bay
  • Clay Shirky
    Writer, assistant professor at New York University
  • Aaron Swartz
    Programmer, activist
  • Heather Brooke
    Journalist and activist

The Guardian’s Open 20: fighters for internet freedom | Technology |

The Guardian: Battle for the Internet

The Guardian har börjat en sjudagars serie om kriget om internet som verkar bli intressant:

Over seven days the Guardian is taking stock of the new battlegrounds for the internet. From states stifling dissent, to the new cyberwar front line, we look at the challenges facing the dream of an open internet.

  • Day one: the new cold war
    China’s censors tested by microbloggers who keep one step ahead of state media | Technology | The Guardian
    Nervous Kremlin seeks to purge Russia’s internet of ‘western’ influences | Technology | The Guardian
    Internet censorship: how does each country compare? | Datablog | Technology |
  • Day two: the militarisation of cyberspace
    Internet attacks on sovereign targets are no longer a fear for the future, but a daily threat. We ask: will the next big war be fought online?
  • Day three: the new walled gardens
    For many, the internet is now essentially Facebook. Others find much of their online experience is mediated by Apple or Amazon. Why are the walls going up around the web garden, and does it matter?
  • Day four: IP wars
    Intellectual property, from copyrights to patents, have been an internet battlefield from the start. We look at what SOPA, PIPA and ACTA really mean, and explain how this battle is not over. Plus, Clay Shirky will be discussing the issues in a live Q and A session
  • Day five: ‘civilising’ the web

    In the UK, the ancient law of defamation is increasingly looking obsolete in the Twitter era. Meanwhile in France, President Sarkozy believes the state can tame the web.

  • Day six: the open resistance

    Meet the activists and entrepreneurs who are working to keep the internet open

  • Day seven: the end of privacy

    Hundreds of websites now know vast amounts about their users’ behaviour, personal lives and connections with each other. Find out who knows what about you, and what they use the information for