Skriv under uppropet för Frihet på Internet!

Grundidén är som följer:


We stand for a free and open Internet.

We support transparent and participatory processes for making Internet policy and the establishment of five basic principles:

Expression: Don’t censor the Internet.
Access: Promote universal access to fast and affordable networks.
Openness: Keep the Internet an open network where everyone is free to connect, communicate, write, read, watch, speak, listen, learn, create and innovate.
Innovation: Protect the freedom to innovate and create without permission. Don’t block new technologies, and don’t punish innovators for their users’ actions.
Privacy: Protect privacy and defend everyone’s ability to control how their data and devices are used.

Verkar vara ett seriöst initiativ, organisationer som EFF, American Civil Liberties Union, Amnesty, Cheezburger Inc., Juliagruppen och Y Combinator är med.

Hemsidan finns på Declaration of Internet Freedom

Som privatperson kan du bland annat skriva på hos EFF

Via: Announcing The Declaration Of Internet Freedom | Techdirt

A whole bunch of organizations and individuals are getting together today to launch the beginning of a process, the creation of an Internet Declaration of Freedom. We’ve seen how the internet has been under attack from various directions, and we recognize that it’s time to make that stop. The internet is an incredible platform that we want to grow and to thrive, and thus, a very large coalition got together to produce the following document as a starting point, hoping to kick off a much larger discussion which we hope you’ll join in.

The Guardians lista på 20 “Internet freedom fighters”

Bra lista:

  • Rickard Falkvinge
    Founder, the Pirate party
  • Birgitta Jonsdottir
    MP, The Movement, Iceland
  • John Perry Barlow
    Co-founder, Electronic Frontier Foundation
  • Jacob Appelbaum
    Advocate, Researcher and Developer, Tor project
  • Julian Assange
    Editor-in-chief, WikiLeaks
  • Ada Lovelace
    Computer programmer
  • Richard Stallman
    Founder, Free Software Foundation
  • Sir Tim Berners-Lee
    Inventor of the world wide web
  • Professor Sebastian Thrun
    Founder, Udacity
  • Anons
    Legion, everywhere
  • Bram Cohen
    Chief Scientist, BitTorrent
  • Linus Torvalds
    Chief architect, Linux
  • Lawrence Lessig
    Founder, Creative Commons
  • Alex MacGillivray
    General counsel, Twitter
  • Dr Susan Landau
    Cybersecurity researcher, Guggenheim Fellow
  • Jimmy Wales
    Chairman, Wikimedia foundation
  • Peter Sunde
    Co-founder, Pirate Bay
  • Clay Shirky
    Writer, assistant professor at New York University
  • Aaron Swartz
    Programmer, activist
  • Heather Brooke
    Journalist and activist

The Guardian’s Open 20: fighters for internet freedom | Technology |

Sammanfattning av ACTA-avtalet

Vad är ACTA?

ACTA står för Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

Varför är ACTA dåligt?


Avtalet läckte ut under de hemliga förhandligarna

EFFs analys av det officiellt släppta avtalet

Den 22 april 2010 pblicerade EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) en analys av det då officiellt släppta avtalet.

Vad händer nu?

Europaparlamentet planerar att rösta om ACTA i juni eller juli, ingen vet exakt när.

Motståndarna planerar flera protestaktioner, bland annat kommer det ske demonstrationer på många håll den 9:e juni.

Länkar att läsa vidare:

Megaupload User Asks Court to Return His Video Files | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Case Raises Key Questions About User Rights in Cloud-Based Storage

San Francisco – A small business owner who used Megaupload’s cloud-based storage system as part of his daily operations has asked a federal court to establish a process that would allow him and other lawful Megaupload users to get their files back. The procedure would help rectify the collateral damage caused by the government’s seizure of as part of a copyright infringement investigation.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) represents Kyle Goodwin, who runs a business reporting on high school sporting events in Ohio. Goodwin stored his video footage on Megaupload’s servers as a backup to his hard drive. In January, the FBI shut down and executed search warrants on the company’s servers, locking out all Megaupload customers in the process. When Goodwin’s hard drive crashed, he could not get access to any of his own video files, which he needed to conduct his business.

(via: Megaupload User Asks Court to Return His Video Files | Electronic Frontier Foundation