RIAA Thinks LimeWire Owes $75 Trillion in Damages | PCWorld
The music industry wants LimeWire to pay up to $75 trillion in damages after losing a copyright infringement claim. That’s right . . . $75 trillion. Manhattan federal Judge Kimba Wood has labeled this request “absurd.”
You’re telling me. To put that number into perspective (I bet a lot of you didn’t even know “trillion” was a real number), the U.S. GDP is around 14 trillion — less than one fifth of what the music industry is requesting. Heck, the GDP of the entire world is between 59 and 62 trillion. That’s right, the music industry wants LimeWire to pay more money than exists in the entire world.
Låt oss se nu, RIAA tycker alltså att Limewire ska betala 75 000 miljarder för fildelning av 11 000 musikfiler. USA har en BNP på ungefär 15 000 miljarder. 75 000 miljarder är mer än jordens all BNP tillsammans. RIAA har just bevisat att de inte bor på samma planet som oss andra…
Uppdatering: Det verkar som denna historia var mer än ett år gammal och stämningen förlikades med ett skadestånd på $105 miljoner. Jag hittade den först via en notis på Brooks review: RIAA Math — The Brooks Review, där länkades vidare till PC World artikeln jag har länkat till ovan och jag missade att den var daterad den 26 mars 2011. Mike Masnick har skrivit en bra artikel som verkar reda ut begreppen: No, The RIAA Is Not Asking For $72 Trillion From Limewire (Bad Reporters, Bad) | Techdirt
Anyway: basically this story is bogus. Well over a year ago, the RIAA made a ridiculous attempt to seek damages on every download. No specific amount was named, and no matter how you do your math, that $72 trillion number never made any sense at all. It was just a reporter looking for a good headline. Either way, the judge totally rejected that plan 15 months ago, and the entire case settled a year ago.