En tredje industriell revolution?

Den tredje industriella revolutionen | Framtidskommissionen

Är världen på väg in i en tredje industriell revolution? Enligt ett av de senaste numren av The Economist är svaret ja. Den första industriella revolutionen inträffade under 1800-talet och innebar att hantverket som dominerande produktionsmetod ersattes av mekaniserade fabriker. Den andra industriella revolutionen inträffade under 1900-talets början och innebar övergången till massproduktion. Nu står vi i början av den tredje industriella revolutionen, där digitaliseringen av produktionen får fullt genomslag och där det blir möjligt att på kommersiell basis producera produkter individuellt anpassade till kundernas och deras behov.

Frågan är om det är relevant? Jag tror att det är viktigare att mer och mer av sammhällsekonomin flyttat över till kunskapsbaserade branscher. Man kan kan säkert hävda att vi är inne i en sjätte, sjunde eller åttånde jordbruksrevolution men det påverkar inte samhället så mycket. Produktionen av individanassade varor är snarare en produkt av övergången till informationsåldern/nätverkssamhället än ett industrisamhället utvecklar sig…

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Piratkopieringens kostnad?

Det är inte så lätt som vissa vill få dig att förstå:

Hulu, Pricing Strategies, and the Costs of Piracy | Cato @ Liberty

To illustrate, let’s imagine television show that initially streams online for free with advertising, garnering a million viewers per episode and earning $1 per viewer in ad revenues, for a total of $1 million. A small number who really dislike ads, or have connections too slow for streaming, let’s say 5,000, download pirate copies anyway—but the vast majority watch legally. After building an audience and generating some good word of mouth, the accountants suggest that it might be more profitable to stop the free streaming and instead sell ad-free episodes for $4, in hopes that enough dedicated fans will pony up to compensate for the predictable drop in viewership once the program is no longer free to watch. The paying audience does indeed drop to 255,000, which still leaves the company slightly better off for the switch, but 100,000 viewers decide to keep up with the show (at least initially) by downloading pirated copies. A subsequent price hike to $10, however, turns out to be a money loser. Now the show has only 80,000 paying viewers, while 150,000 are engaged in piracy.

Undoubtedly that piracy is costing the show’s producers something: If piracy were impossible, some unknown fraction of those who download illegally would be willing to pay the asking price. But just crudely using the actual market price at each stage—even if modified by some constant “displacement rate” to acknowledge that not every illicit download represents a lost sale at that price—yields some perverse results. As the pricing strategy for the show changes, the “cost” of piracy rises from $5,000 to $400,000 (even as revenue rises) to $1.5 million (while revenues drop by $20,000). Obviously, something is wrong here.

It’s no great mystery what: The problem is that the rate of piracy, the price of a digital good, and the “displacement rate” (the percentage of the pirates who’d buy at that price in a world of perfect copyright enforcement) are not independent variables. And, of course, the interdependency runs both ways: Pricing decisions are influenced by the knowledge that we don’t live in a world of perfect enforcement, and you can tell plausible stories according to which this might keep prices higher or lower than they’d be under perfect enforcement, depending on your assumptions about the conditions under which a particular audience will substitute the pirate for the legal good.

Mattias Sundin röstar nej till integritetskränkande lag

”Därför röstar jag i morgon nej till det nya lagförslaget” – DN.SE

Integritetskränkande. Från den 1 maj lagras all information om vem du har ringt, vilka du har mejlat och när du loggat in på internet. I morgon ska riksdagen fatta beslut om hur de brottsbekämpande myndigheterna ska få tillgång till denna information. Jag har så stora invändningar mot detta lagförslag att jag röstar nej, emot min egen regering. Folkpartiet borde som liberaler vara de som strävar mot och begränsar nya integritetskränkande lagar, inte de som hejar på dem allra mest, skriver Mathias Sundin.

Googles fiberplaner gör MPAA nervösa

Google har planer på att lägga ner fiber i marken till hemanvändare och det gör Hollywood nervösa.

It seems like every Hollywood statement about new technology follows the same format. “This new thing is great, but… piracy!” The problem is that they refuse to act on the first part until someone gives them a bulletproof solution to the second part—and since such a solution does not and never will exist, they ruin every attempt at a new service with ineffective restrictions and DRM schemes.

Google’s Fiber Makes MPAA Skittish. Why Does Hollywood See All Technology In Terms Of Piracy? | Techdirt

The fact that the MPAA can’t get through a single statement about something as clearly positive as faster internet without bringing up reservations about piracy doesn’t bode well for Hollywood’s future. The studios should be getting ahead of the new technology, and making sure that everyone who gets hooked up to a new fiber network is immediately greeted with a well-made, well-priced movie service that gives them a chance to test out their speedy new connection. Instead they’re probably going to watch the technology develop with caution, wait for pirates to beat them to the punch, then arrive in the market with an inferior product and complaints about how they “can’t compete”.

Statligt missbruk

Law Professor: Megaupload Prosecution A ‘Depressing Display Of Abuse Of Government Authority’ | Techdirt

The more we hear and see about the government’s case against Megaupload, it really appears that the government was relying almost entirely on the fact that Megaupload looked bad. It’s hard to deny that there were plenty of things that Kim (in particular) did that makes him appear pretty obnoxious. But being a crass showoff doesn’t automatically make you a criminal. Even worse, the government’s action in the case to date seem to be doing everything possible to undermine their own case as they try to railroad Megaupload.

Amerikanska staten lämnar tillbaka beslagtagen website efter ett år

Detta är skälet till att lagar som SOPA/PIPA/CISPA och avtal som ACTA är dåliga. Om det blir så här med dagens möjligheter, hur blir det då när det finns ännu vidare möjligheter att stänga ner sidor?

Amerikanska staten beslagtar en website i över ett år på uppdrag av den privata organisationen RIAA. Några bevis som håller för en rättegång kommer aldrig och websiten lämnas tillbaka utan förklaring.

Federal authorities who seized a popular hip-hop music site based on assertions from the Recording Industry Association of America that it was linking to four “pre-release” music tracks gave it back more than a year later without filing civil or criminal charges because of apparent recording industry delays in confirming infringement, according to court records obtained by Wired.

The Los Angeles federal court records, which were unsealed Wednesday at the joint request of Wired, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the First Amendment Coalition, highlight a secret government process in which a judge granted the government repeated time extensions to build a civil or criminal case against Dajaz1.com, one of about 750 domains the government has seized in the last two years in a program known as Operation in Our Sites.

Apparently, however, the RIAA and music labels’ evidence against Dajaz1, a music blog, never came. Or, if it did, it was not enough to build a case and the authorities returned the site nearly 13 months later without explanation or apology.

Feds Seized Hip-Hop Site for a Year, Waiting for Proof of Infringement

DRM hindrar legitim användning, inte olaglig fildelning

HBO Decides It Still Isn’t Difficult Enough To Watch HBO Shows | Techdirt

It’s truly amazing that companies like HBO still pursue such strategies. There is not, and never has been, a form of DRM that effectively prevents piracy—but every single form of DRM reduces the value of the product to legitimate subscribers. It’s pretty bizarre to continually punish the only people who aren’t engaged in the behavior you want to stamp out.

Svensk nätretorik klingar ihåligt

Mäktiga intressen kämpar om kontrollen över framtidens internet. I veckan samlades nätaktivister, politiker och företag i Frösundavik för att diskutera nätfrihet i ett globalt perspektiv. Men politikernas retorik klingar ihåligt när övervakningen på hemmaplan blir alltmer omfattande.

“Svensk nätretorik klingar ihåligt” | Kultur | SvD

Kasta inte sten i glashus eller hur var det?